
In the early years of the reign of 'HassanII, Houcine, a fan of the new king is the head of a popular orchestra and father of Mimou. Houcine takes his role to heart and wants the best for his son. Houcine, his family and Chikhates live in the family home, a place of lively coexistence. Mimou falls in love with for the maid of the neighbors.

Technical details

Duration: 110 minutes
Nationality: Maroco
Production year: 2014
Director: Mohamed Mouftakir
Screenplay: Mohamed Mouftakir
Director of Photography: Xavier Castro
Editor: sophiefourdrinoy,leiladynar
Email :
Cast : younes migri, mouna fetou, FehdBenchemsi, Mohamed Bastaoui, AnissElkohen

The blinds band (2014)

Son of the violinist Boudra, Mohamed Mouftakir studied at the University of Casablanca, specialised in screept writing and worked on several projects in France, Germany and Tunisia. His first feature film Pégase won several awards (Fespaco, Tanger, Dubai)