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DIS MOI SI TU SAIS (Algérie, 2008)

  Couleur - 17’
Directio: Sabrina Draoui
Screenplay: Sabrina Draoui
Director of Photography: Nara Keo Kosal
Sound: Romain Riché
Music: Patrimoine Algérien
Editing: Emmanuel Broché
Cast: Alice Taurand, Yasmina Bennani
Production: ALTERMEDIA


Two friends have a conversation before going to classes. In the intimacy of their view of life, speaking about love and sex isn’t a simple thing. They are so different, yet so alike, but are they not one person?


Sabrina Draoui
37, Avenue Charles Rouxel,
77340 Pontault-Combault / France
Tél. : + 33 6 65 44 39 55

Tunisie télécom
Partners - JCC 2008