Augustin TOSCANO - Argentina / Uruguay


Motoarrebatador tells the tale of a thief who, after battering an old lady to steal her wallet, tries to repair the damage he’s done. But his motorcyclist past pursues him, preventing him from starting a new life.

Film details

Genre : Narrative Feature film
Duration : 94 minutes
Year of production : 2018
Country : Argentina / Uruguay
Casting : Sergio Prina - Daniel Elias - Liliana Juarez Mora Arenillas - Diego Cremonesi - Mara Bestelli Camila Plaate - Mirella Pascual
Screenwriter : Augustin Toscano
Cinematography : Arauco Hernández Holz
Editor : Pablo Barbieri
Director : Augustin TOSCANO
Production company : Rizoma - Murillo Cine

Biography: Agustin Toscano is an Argentinian actor, born in 1981 and known for three films: Pichuko (2011), The owners (2013) and The snatch Thief (2018).