Andrucha WADDINGTON - Brazil


With her baby, Darlene left home for a marriage that never took place. Three years later, a single mother, she returns home. Old Osias proposes; having no other resources, she accepts him. But when handsome young Ciro arrives, everything changes.

Film details

Genre : Narrative Feature film
Duration : 104 minutes
Country : Brazil
Casting : Regina Casé - Lima Duarte - Stenio Garcia Luiz Carlos Vasconcelos - Nilda Spencer
Screenwriter : Elena Soarez
Cinematography : Breno Silveira
Editor : Vicente Kubrusly
Director : Andrucha WADDINGTON
Production company : Conspiraçao filmes - Columbia Tristar Filmes do Brasil

Andrucha Waddington is a Brazilian director. Her film Me, You, Them was shown at Cannes in A Certain Regard, and The House of Sand won the Alfred P. Sloan Prize at the 2006 Sundance Festival.