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Moserrine ( Egypt )


Since the advent of the revolution on January 25, public media have played a key role in the coverage of the events. The informations, images and videos that Egyptians have deliberately exchanged between them took part in the construction of a sincere and trustworthy public media discourse, up to pressing the official media and encourage them to adopt a more loyal and committed speech. Moserrine which means in Arabic "Determined" was born in the heart of the revolution. It is a media coalition that promotes public media, cultural activities in Egypt and any attempt in favor of the revolution. Its founders are determined to open a space for all those who desire to create an alternative and revolutionary media in direct relationship with reality. They also invite all social actors, regardless of their backgrounds and trends (writers, directors - amateurs and professionals – political activists ...) to come together to share their expertise and jointly contribute in the film industry and public media. Moserrine is also a place that has a mission to create audiovisual archives of the revolution and other recent events. It is dedicated to support, among other films about the revolution, its demands and its leaders. Screenings and debates complete the project of Moserrine and aim to create an interactive relationship with the audience.


Programme « La révolution continue »

La Révolution continue dans nos Rues

Le Bataille de Mohamed Mahmoud : novembre 19 – 22 (7:28)

Toute ma vie est ici (3’:17)

Finirons-nous dans les ordures ? L’histoire de Toussy (9:33)

Les Héros de l’avenue Mohamed Mahmoud (5’:33)

Du conflit de l’assemblée du peuple (5:04)

Hind Badawi, la fille qui a chassé le consulteur (9:06)

Les Filles d’Egypte ont dit leur mot (2:40)

Ils ont tué les ultras libres car ils font partie des rebelles (5:19)

L’Occupation du Caire et la résistance avec la peinture (4:27)

Le peuple veut décliner le régime (4:11)

La Révolution continue dans nos Sociétés

Manger du pain est un droit (7:21)

La Grève des ouvriers de Céramica Cléopâtre contre le financier de l’affaire du chameau (8:26)

La Privatisation de Ramla Boulak (8:36)

Premier jour de la grève des médecins : consultation gratuite (4:34)

Le Droit au logement (8:18)

Le Village de Tahsine déclare son autonomie par rapport à l’Etat (8:35)