JCC 2017 du 4 au 11 novembre 2017


IBN BADIS (2017)

Basil Al-Khatib - Algeria


The film depicts the life of the muslim reformer Ibn Badis, a native of the city of Constantine (1889-1940), focusing on his travels abroad. The film starts with an important event in his life: his grandfather‘s death in 1899.

Technical details

Genre: Feature film
Duration: 110 minutes
Production year: 2017
Country: Algeria
Casting: Youcef Sehairi
Script: Rabah Drif
DOP: Jamel Matar
Editing: Talid Al Khatib
Director: Basil Al-Khatib

Basil Al-Khatib is a Syrian director of films and television series, born on May 6th 1962 in Hilversum, the Netherlands. He graduated from the National Institute of Cinematography in Moscow and has been working since 1992 on television programs and film projects.