

Shahad AMEEN - Saudi Arabia


Mermaid flesh: the only way to keep the food supply going on the island is to sacrifice baby girls to the sea. After being saved by her father, 13-year-old Hayat faces the prospect of being sacrificed again. Hayat must choose between accepting her fate to become a mermaid or fighting for the body she inhabits.

Film details

Gender : Fiction
Duration : 74 min
Year of production : 2019
Country : Saudi Arabia
Casting : Basima Hajjar - Yagoub Alfarhan - Abdulaziz Shtian - Ibrahim Al-Hasawi - Ridha Ismail - Ali Abdallah Al Kamzari
Screenwriter : Shahad Ameen
Cinematography : João Ribeiro
Editor : Shahnaz Dulaimy - Ewa Johansson-Lind - Ali Salloum
Director : Shahad AMEEN
Production company : Film Solution - The Imaginarium Films

Shahad AMEEN

Was born and raised in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. Her short films Our Own Musical, Leila’s Window and Eye &Mermaid, presented at Dubai, Toronto, and Stockholm. Her first feature film Scales won the Verona Awad at Venice FF 2019.