Khartoum offside

Khartoum offside

Marwa ZEIN - Sudan


A group of distinguished young women in Khartoum are determined to professionalize football and challenge the embargo imposed by the Islamic military government in Sudan from which they have received no answer. Their battle for official recognition as a Sudanese football team is made of fear, courage and funny moments.

Film details

Gender : Documentary
Duration : 75 min
Year of production : 2019
Country : Sudan
Screenwriter : Marwa Zein
Cinematography : Marwa Zein
Editor : Mohammed Emad Rizq
Director : Marwa ZEIN
Production company : Ore Productions - Stray Dog Productions AS

Marwa ZEIN

Réalisatrice et productrice. Ses courts métrages A Game et One Week and Two Days, qui a participé au Festival de Carthage 2017, ont remporté de nombreux prix. Khartoum Offside est son premier long métrage documentaire (Section indépendante de la Berlinale 2019).