El Vampiro Del Lago

El Vampiro Del Lago

Carl ZITELMANN - Venezuela


Desperate to find a subject for his next novel, Ernesto Navarro follows the tracks of a mysterious killer, a man obsessed with drinking human blood and becoming immortal.

Film details

Gender : Fiction
Duration : 102 min
Year of production : 2019
Country : Venezuela
Casting : Miguel Ángel Landa - Julie Restifo - Eduardo Gulino - Sócrates Serrano - Abilio Torres - Maria Antonieta Hidalgo
Screenwriter : Frank Baiz Quevedo - Carl Zitelmann
Cinematography : Gerard Uzcategui
Editor : Camilo Abadía
Director : Carl ZITELMANN


Carl Zitelmann graduated from the National Film and Television School in the UK. He works as a director since 2006. Since then, he directed one feature, six short films. He won three awards at del Cine Venezolano Festival for The Lake Vampire.