Un gauchito gil

Un gauchito gil

Joaquin PEDRETTI - Argentina


A farm laborer crosses the mythical nature of the EsterosdelYverá, in search of a child tha the lost in an accident. But to find him he has to accept his destiny: to become a popular hero.

Film details

Gender : Fiction
Duration : 73 min
Year of production : 2018
Country : Argentina
Casting : Jorge Roman - Celso Franco - Cristian Salguero - Horacio Fernandez
Screenwriter : Milton Roses - Joaquin Pedretti
Cinematography : Guillermo Rovira
Editor : Ezequiel Yoffe - Joaquín Pedretti
Director : Joaquin PEDRETTI
Production company : Carambola Cine - Productora de la Tierra – INCAA – Raymundo Gleyzer


He made more than twenty pieces of different genres and formats in between Spain, England and Argentina. He now works as a freelance author, scriptwriter and film language teacher at the UNNE.